It’s just a year since Lewisham Irish Community Centre re-opened its door to the public following
COVID. Most of the last couple of years were spent on recovery and rebuilding our community
program of services and activities.

We’re delighted to be providing frontline advice and support services on housing and welfare rights & to be delivering a program of weekly clubs, classes and activities to local families, young people and the Irish Elderly community at pre-COVID levels.

However, this winter we face new challenges brought about by the cost of living crisis. In addition to the groups and classes we’ll be running we are responding by providing

A free warm space with refreshments each Monday from 10.30am to 1pm.
A free space to local community groups and charities every Thursday from 10.30-1pm

Lewisham Irish Community Centre is happy to support in whatever way we can by offering a warm
welcoming space to the community this winter, but we do need your support and donations to help.