We at the Lewisham Irish Community Centre offer vital care and support to those who depend on us. The Irish community are amongst the oldest in Lewisham. The majority of our service users are vulnerable in terms of age or disability and are at high risk of becoming isolated at this time. We are working with the community in Lewisham to help reduce the impact of COVID 19.

How we’re changing

We want to let you know how we have changed to meet the current needs of the community and how we’re planning to ensure we are in a good position to continue to help those in Lewisham for years to come.

Telephone befriendingour staff and volunteers have been reaching out to those who are sheltering at this time  
Hot lunches  we have secured funding to deliver healthy meals to the older Irish and those self-isolating in our community and teamed up with Catford Fridge and an enthusiastic group of cyclists from Wheels for Wellbeing to get the meals delivered  
Care packageswe have been sending out case packages to the older Irish in our community  
Remote advice serviceswe continuing to offer advice and support to those who need to access expert housing advice and advice on claiming universal credit  
Volunteeringwe’ve partnered with Southwark Irish Pensioners to employ a staff member to coordinator volunteers for both organisations during this crisis  
Fundraisingto ensure we’re here to support the community well into the future we’ve launched a fundraising campaign to fund new services and mitigate against our lost income at this time

Our staff, volunteers and trustees have been working as quickly as possible to bring about these changes. I want to thank them for all of their work. In addition, I want to acknowledge the Irish Government, Lewisham Council and our community partners for their support during the past few weeks. We’re glad to play our part and are grateful for the compassion and support we see in the community. To find out more about what is happening locally visit lewishamlocal.com

Feedback from a client who is receiving care packages from Lewisham Irish

If you know someone in need, send us an email to Kathleen Sheridan, Center Manager – manager@lewishamirish.org.uk

A Community Effort

We’re continuing to host Rushey Green Time Bank, the Foodcycle team and Catford Fridge to make sure they can continue their vital work providing community meals and food for those who need it.

We know this is not easy but soon, we will see each other again. Until then we are here for you. We look forward to sharing those brighter days with you very soon.

Kathleen Sheridan
